Custom Thracia Dice Sets Crowdfunding Soon!

Four new dice sets are coming with the Caverns of Thracia crowdfunding campaign on BackerKit! All of these gorgeous new sets are inspired by the adventure and its setting.

You can customize your gaming experience with these dice sets as well! Each color comes in the DCC Funky 7 or the RPG 9 set.

Let’s take a look at the new dice!

Terracotta Grecian Vase Dice

Inspired by the classic pottery of the Grecian people, this set is a special translucent tan resin featuring flecks of black foil. Each side of the polyhedron is marked with engraved gold numbering.

Verdigris Grecian Vase Dice

Translucent dark green resin infused with flecks of silver foil and engraved light green ink uplifted from the classic ceramic craftsmanship.

Thracian Swirl and Thracian Smoky Dice

Taken from the stunning blue cover of the classic Caverns of Thracia Module, these two dice sets are blue. The Thracian Swirl set features a translucent resin with a two-tone smoke of blue and verdigris as well as white engraving. The Thracian Smoky is an acrylic swirl of light blue with dark green tones and gold numbering.

Pictures don’t always do justice to the beauty in the fine details, but you’re in luck! We’ve just uploaded a preview of all four sets to YouTube!

Caverns of Thracia is a legendary adventure written by Jennell Jaquays. In the Goodman Games’ updated version for both DCC and 5E, characters will rise from 1st level to 10th (5E) or 1st through 5th (DCC), a complete campaign experience in one amazing adventure!

A complete setting that supports a full-year campaign and takes your characters from levels 1 to 10 in 5E or levels 1-5 in DCC. Includes an extensive dungeon, the ruins, and an overland archipelago. A thousand-year-old dungeon mystery waiting to be solved. Interact with factions to reveal level-by-level backstory. Featuring combat, exploration, and social interaction across 6 vast dungeon levels, including:

  • 300+ encounter areas
  • 125+ new monsters
  • 40+ new magic items, spells, and curses

Author: alana

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