We Had Fun at Robert E. Howard Days!

It was a blast in the summer sun at Robert E. Howard Days in Cross Plains, Texas!

“What is best in life?

To endure a perilous adventure to Cross Plains, Texas, to temper oneself under the scorching Texas sun, and to hear the acclamations of hundreds of Robert E. Howard fans!

Goodman Games was in Cross Plains, Texas this past weekend celebrating the father of Sword and Sorcery and creator of Conan the Barbarian, Robert E. Howard. This once-in-a-lifetime experience included a guided tour of Howard’s house, where you can still hear the stories of Conan’s creation echoing through the walls as the old keys of the Underwood no. 5 clack away.

Highlights of the event were the panel discussions with special guests and authors (there was even a rumor the Skull himself was there!), a vendor area in Howard’s front yard, gaming sessions of Conan the RPG, and the return and dedication of Robert E. Howard’s actual writing desk. Friday night included a chicken-fired steak dinner and silent auction where unique Pulp and Conan collectibles could be purchased.

Thank you to Project Pride, the community organization that maintains Howard’s house and hosts Robert E. Howard Days.” —Matt Robertson

We hope to see you next year! In the meantime, check out all the fun we had:

Author: alana

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