A Great Time at North Texas RPG Con!

It’s hard to believe this year was the 16th year for the NTX RPG Con, but it was and this con keeps getting better each year!

“Attendance reached and exceeded the 500 badge count cap this year, but the con didn’t feel bigger than previous years. There were loads of games played this year from Dungeon Crawl Classics and Mutant Crawl Classics, to Weird Frontiers, Black Powder Black Magic, and even a Return to Dark Tower AD&D tournament. Even The Temple of Elemental Evil made an appearance at the NTX Con this year!

The Black Blade booth had lots of treasures and even some rare finds for attendees to peruse this year. A big thanks goes out to all who stopped by to check out the Goodman loot!

There were number of artists at the con this year, though this years’ guests may be less familiar to DCC fans. Among those attending were Hall of Honor inductee Jason Braunkowski and professional minis painter Angela Imrie.

A huge thanks goes out to all of the organizers and volunteers who made the show fantastic. North Texas RPG Con is always a joy to attend, and once more everyone made this event one to remember. ” —Jon Hershberger

We hope to see you next year! In the meantime, check out all the fun we had:

Author: alana

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