A Jolly Good Time at UK Games Expo!

We had a great time at the UK Games Expo this weekend!

It was a long trip for some of us, but a fun one! Goodman Games would like to thank everyone involved with making the UK Games Expo a great time! From the new faces to the old friends, thank you all for a great trip!

“The Expo is three days dedicated to the love of all things geektacular, so you know we had to show up and be part of the action! The UK Games Expo is a fantastic convention in Birmingham that Goodman Games has attended since 2018. We had a great time meeting new folks and reconnecting with old friends. 

Huge thanks to all the fans who made the pilgrimage, and the organizers who made the trip as sweet as sticky toffee. Thanks to our booth crew, Sue Hayley, Julian Hayley, Michael Delicate, and and our wonderful friend and 10 year veteran of DCC UKGE events Bruce  Cunnington. 

We have to give a huge shout out to Grady at the legendary Church of the D20 in Loughborough who let Brendan run a pre-convention event to help get us primed for the expo Action. We had a fantastic time and introduced a few new people to the wild world of dungeon crawl Classics.

Big congratulations to the Xcrawl squads who rocketed to arena combat superstardom: the Expo Exterminators, the Berry Good Crawlers, and  the Tunnock’s Terrors.” —Brendan LaSalle

Check out the gallery for some of the great moments from the trip and scenes from the UK Games Expo.

Author: alana

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