A Brilliant Time at BGG Spring!

BGG Spring was a BLAST! Goodman Games was on-site to witness the plethora of board games and fun being had by all. From the new games being playtested to classic favorites being enjoyed in the open gaming area, vendors offering exotic board game wares from overseas and well-established hometown favorites with mega-deals, BGG Spring in Dallas, TX was the place to be for Memorial Day!

It wasn’t only for board games though! In the back recesses of hidden convention rooms (very dungeony, just like we like it!), a contingency of TTRPG fans begin building an ever-growing horde of DCC/MCC fans. There was even a variant of the hot dog suit class from the 2016 Gongfarmer’s Almanac, the banana suit class! Start planning for next year now and join over 2000 other gamers at BGG Spring!

Author: admin

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