Announcing Caverns of Thracia Crowdfunding in July!

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Caverns of Thracia is a legendary adventure featuring a dungeon complex and lost city grounded in Greek myth — and Goodman Games is bringing it back for both DCC and 5E!

For a thousand years, evil has skulked in the darkness of forgotten vaults and concealed passages. Meanwhile, the surface dwellers bicker and squabble, unaware of a lingering malevolence. And still, they wait…

Layered history makes for rich exploration: first were the lizardfolk, who were defeated by human deathgod cultists, who were slain by their rebellion beastman slaves, who are now ruled by a minotaur king. Pockets of all the factions live on, deep underground. Can your characters return with the treasures of Thracia?

Originally designed by industry legend Jennell Jaquays, this modern edition is offered in both a 5E and DCC edition, and includes expanded dungeon levels, new wilderness locations, and much more!

Follow Caverns of Thracia on BackerKit now, and be ready when it launches in July!

Author: admin

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