An Awesome Time at OrcCon!

Presidents Day weekend was a busy one for convention goers, Brad Littman reports:

Finally, OrcCon arrived. The first of the three Strategicon conventions held in Los Angeles. Goodman-Games has now done the whole Strategicon circuit of OrcCon, Gamex, and Gateway!

Heading up to the roleplay area it was nice to see so many DCC related games being run.  Some players got a chance to play Xcrawl. So many of the players just spent their days jumping from one game to the next. Then taking a quick moment to visit the booth and say hi.

At the booth it was nice to chat with so many people about DCC as they wandered around the dealer’s room. And it is also fun to talk about classic Sci-Fi and fantasy as they spot the Dying Earth, Empire of the East and Lankhmar items. A couple of people were wearing the new MLK DCC shirts. Those came out great. Sadly, I think I sold all the shirts in my size.

As always thanks to all the people who dropped by the booth and the regulars who play in and run DCC games, Always nice to see familiar faces as they come to the booth. Thanks also to Victor Bugg and the dealer’s room crew. Lastly, a special thanks to my booth neighbor Douglas for helping out every so often. 

A fantastic time was had at OrcCon but this con rep is tired and needs some food, and is going to spend the next few days being lazy.

See you in May for Strategicon Gamex 2024.

Author: admin

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