Visit Us At Gamehole Con This Weekend

Join us in Madison, WI this weekend for one of our favorite gaming cons, Gamehole Con!

Goodman Games will be there in force this weekend, with a full cast of our dignitaries on hand–including The Dark Master himself! As always, we’ll have a booth filled with Goodman goodies, including the latest releases and maybe even a few surprises.

And if you are looking to roll some dice, Gamehole Con has you in mind. There are still a few seats open for select DCC RPG events at the con, so don’t delay and get your seat now! Gamehole promotes themselves as “the largest majority RPG gaming convention in the world” and it’s a great place to get into the RPG mindset—making it perfect for Goodman Games!

So if you are anywhere near Madison, WI, be sure to pay a visit to Gamehole Con and visit us at the Goodman Games booth! We’ll see you soon!

Author: pandabrett

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