Meet the Chaos Lords at Gen Con!

A one-eyed look at Molan

You know him, you love him — it’s Molan, everybody’s favorite Chaos Lord, whose handsome mug you’ve no doubt seen on the Doug Kovacs cover of Harley Stroh’s classic funnel, DCC #67: Sailors on the Starless Sea. Or maybe you’ve even met him in person . . .

If you were at Origins, Gen Con, or certain other cons over the last year, you probably saw those skeletal good looks and mono-ocular stare in the shadow of a certain Ziggurat. No, I’m not talking about the Magician’s Skull (though you may have met him, too!), but rather Molan, vile Champion of Chaos, returned to the mortal world after long centuries to wreak vengeance on his enemies and to help out at the Goodman Games booth during his downtime.

Come see Molan (or should that be, Molans . . .) at the Goodman Games booth (#109) during Gen Con 2023 (August 3-6th) — that’s next week! He’s always ready to chat all things DCC, and there’s nothing like that chaos-infused undead smile of his to brighten anyone’s day! So stop by and say, ‘Hey, Molan!’

Author: admin

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