Free RPG Day Remainders Available FREE in Our US Online Store!

Did somebody say “free?!”

We’ve just added remainders of DCC: Piercing the Demon’s Eye, our Free RPG Day module this year, to the US Online Store.

These items are free, with a limit of one per customer. Shipping rates still apply on print media, and they are only available in the US Online Store. The PDF-only version of the adventure is also available.

Plus! We’ve also just released the PDF-only version of the long sold out third party DCC-compatible funnel adventure Beyond the Silver Scream, capturing the zany fun of horror flicks of the 70s and 80s! Now’s your chance to grab it if you missed it the first time!

DCC: Piercing the Demon’s Eye

A level 2 adventure for DCC RPG by Daniel J. Bishop. Part of Free RPG Day 2023.

The clock is ticking! The Demon’s Eye is a vault which appears only once every ten years – and you are at the right place at the right time! If your wits, spells, and sword arm are strong enough to survive its deadly traps, there is more wealth here than you can carry. But beware! Centuries ago, the Old Serpent was imprisoned beyond Outside, and now waits for foolish mortals to provide the key to his release.

Others have fallen before you. Will you join them? Or will your party succeed in Piercing the Demon’s Eye?

Available for free (shipping still applies), limit one per customer.

Beyond the Silver Scream

Welcome to Beyond the Silver Scream, a Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG-compatible 0-level “funnel”! Players begin as high school kids in the mid-’70s – early-’80s who go to the local seedy theater to catch the premiere of the new horror flick “Screaming Sorority Girls from Planet Playtex”. But the horror isn’t confined to the screen! And the special-effects are all-too-real. So take a seat and brace yourself for an adventure where the director isn’t the only one doing the cutting! 32 pages.

Author: admin

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