Thanks for a Great Free RPG Day!

We hope you had a great day!

Charles Keenan’s loot!

A big shout out and thank you to all those gamers, Judges, and fans that hit their local stores yesterday for Free RPG Day 2023 — we had a blast!

And, of course, an extra helping of thanks goes out to all those Friendly Local Gaming Stores that went the extra mile yesterday to make it a special day for the fans!

With cool free exclusives, new releases, and wall-to-wall gaming, we hope everyone had a tremendous time making new friends and discovering new games ‘down at the local.’ Whether your gaming time was devoted to Dungeon Crawl Classics, Fifth Edition Fantasy, or something new and shiny from the many participating companies that roll out something special for the day, we hope you had a blast celebrating our favorite hobby.

See you next year!

Jim May led a group of first time players through FEF #1: Glitterdoom – they had a blast!

Author: admin

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