Gamestorm Wrap Up

Resting off the edge of Portland just as the Devil’s Thumb hangs off of Punjar, is Hayden Island in Oregon, with the majestic Columbia River flowing by… And this past weekend, Hayden Island wasn’t host to the debauched revels of the Lords of Punjar, but instead hosted the return of the mighty gaming juggernaut of GameStorm 22— and Goodman Games was there!

Footpads, champions, scoundrels, and all manner of creatures stalked the halls for games to play and for wares to procure, such as How To Write Adventure Modules That Don’t Suck (sought by game masters experienced and aspiring), and the right module to thrill a tableful of players, such as Rats of Ilthmar or The One Who Watches From Below. Seekers found Tales from the Magician’s Skull in several volumes, and Temples of Elemental Evil aplenty. The cheers were strong and resounding for successes on all fronts, die-dropping and treasure acquisition alike.

We would very much like to thank the ever-helpful April Cole and her team for making things a great success in the dealer’s hall and thank the entire GameStorm staff and attendees for making a great four days of gaming. We hope to see you there next year!

Author: pandabrett

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