A Great Weekend at DunDraCon

We were back live and in person! And everyone at DunDraCon made it an amazing return!

Santa Clara, California — universally known the world over as the corporate home base of Goodman Games — was host this past weekend to DunDraCon, the world’s oldest role-playing game convention! While rarities and perennials were plundered from the booth with the thieves’ tools of “legal tender,” Starless Seas were Sailed, glaciers Frozen in Time were explored, and untold numbers of dungeons were crawled in open gaming areas.

The raiders of Grimtooth’s Tomb of the Warhammer benefitted from the most spectacular spell misfire in the opening moments, and the drift into DCC madness only increased from there in the most entertaining ways possible (RIP to the hamster cohort, and we’re sure the Thief enjoyed personally discovering a new planet for the short while before the Wizard blew it and him up).

We’d like to thank Chad Martens and all of the DunDraCon committee for putting on a triumphant return of the convention, and thank all the fans for coming out. We’ll see you next year for more adventures at DunDraCon! Til then, keep rolling wildly, and remember to force all your foes into the heavily-trapped room with your lone Thief…!

Be sure to check our Convention Schedule to see when and where we’ll be next, and we hope to see you at your own local show—or one that you travel to be a part of—soon!

Author: pandabrett

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