Help Save Xcrawl!

The Military wants to own it. The Emperor is ready to replace it. The Monsters are happy to forget it. But the people need you to…Save Xcrawl!

With the Empire threatening to take Xcrawl out of the public sphere and make it a military-only training tool, the nation is in an uproar. Now the Oracle of Key West makes a startling pronouncement: the Gods of Olympus declare that if the Adventurer’s League can put together a crawl that delights all the Children of Cronos approve of, they shall declare the Empire’s ruling void and Xcrawl shall remain the measure of the common man. Will you rise to meet the challenge! 

Save Xcrawl is the 2021 Empire of the Cyclops Con tournament adventure, designed by Terry Olsen, Marc Bruner, Stephen Newton, Marzio Muscedere, and Brendan LaSalle.

With ticket sales now open for Empire of the Cyclops Con (November 5-7, 2021) be sure to sign up for the Con today — and while you’re at it, put your vote in to Save Xcrawl!

Contact us at with any questions!

In addition to a fantastic array of Dungeon Crawl Classics events, Empire of the Cyclops Con will have a wide variety of events for our attendees to select from, including D&D of all editions and numerous versions of DCC (MCC, XCC, DCC Lankhmar, etc.). So be ready to get your game on no matter the rules!

Important Dates:

  • Event submission opens 9/11.
  • Event schedule posted 10/1.
  • Badge sales open 10/2.
  • Event pre-reg for volunteers and judges 10/3.
  • Event registration opens 10/9. <——-you are here
  • You may submit events until noon ET on Wednesday, 11/3.
  • Last day for ticket refunds 11/4.

We look forward to seeing you all on the weekend of November 5-7 at Empire of the Cyclops Con! Don’t miss it.

Author: pandabrett

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