Since the earliest days of the Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG, Goodman Games has released an annual yearbook — of sorts. Originally, these were our ‘Gen Con Program Guides,’ literally a guide to all the event programming that we had planned for our yearly presence at Gen Con. Released at the Con itself, these guides were packed with Con-specific information: an event grid, profiles of our staff, previews of upcoming releases, a checklist for all of our Gen Con releases, recaps of last year’s convention events, that sort of thing. But they also included copious new content in the form of fresh adventures, new monsters, interviews, articles, fiction — in short, our humble Program Guide was morphing year-after-year into something much bigger and with a broader appeal to DCC fans, regardless of whether or not they attended the convention.
All of this great expanded content, plus the fact that many of our more recent Guides were now bundled with the prior years’ tournament module, made these publications very popular to say the least. Perhaps most popular of all were the limited release ‘virgin art’ editions of the Guides for which we removed price, bar code, logos, titles, and all other such things from the cover, so that Doug Kovacs’ brilliant art was all that shown through. Collectors loved them, many raced to our Gen Con booth first thing to snap them up. You can still snap up a few yourself, as some of our virgin art editions (compare with our regular cover here) are still available in the online store. At this point, our program guides really had become annual yearbooks in all but name.
Then, of course, 2020 happened. All the rules went out the window, and suddenly there was no Gen Con upon which to anchor our Program Guide. We went ahead and formally changed the name of our Guides, which had grown to become so much more than our initial vision, to Goodman Games Yearbooks. Thus, 2020’s ‘guide’ is Goodman Games Yearbook #8, and the other yearly program guides back to the first in 2013 all retroactively get a Yearbook designation and number.
The core concept is the same, a yearly book covering all the great Con-related material, but there is just so much more to our Yearbooks now than when we first began. We thought it would be helpful to put together a chart to let you know about all the unique content in our past Yearbooks, and what follows highlights just some of what each book contains. Of course, we doubt you really need to know our Gen Con Booth Number or event schedule from 2014, which is why we’ve left out the Con-specific stuff and focus just on all the new, great gaming material our Yearbooks have compiled over the years.
Goodman Games Annual Yearbooks 2013-2020
Goodman Games Gen Con 2013 Program Book (Goodman Games Yearbook #1) | Bios of the Band, Previews, Scenes From the Tour Adventures: DCC The Undulating Corruption (lvl 5), DCC The Jeweler That Dealt in Stardust (lvl 3), Maximum Xcrawl 2013 Studio City Crawl (lvl 6-8) Rules for: Maximum Xcrawl, Wondrous Items . . . and more! | ![]() |
Goodman Games Gen Con 2014 Program Guide (Goodman Games Yearbook #2) | Tales From the Road Crew, Archmage Abby, Doug Kovacs’ Cover Design Process, DCC Previews, GG Q&A, Xcrawl fiction, DCC World Tour Adventures: DCC The Emerald Enchanter Strikes Back (lvl 2), Metamorphosis Alpha Coming of Age (intro) Age of Cthulhu Transatlantic Terror Rules for: DCC Bonus Encounters, Dungeon and Monster Alphabet tables, The Vandroid! . . . and more! | ![]() |
Goodman Games Gen Con 2015 Program Guide (Goodman Games Yearbook #3) | Interviews with Doug Kovacs, William McAusland, and Lou Zocchi, Dice Probabilities, Doug Kovacs and William McAusland Art Folios, Archmage Abby, World Tour, Sneak Preview of Mutant Crawl Classics, Judges Guild 1977 Fantasy Catalog Adventures: DCC The Black Feather Blade (lvl 1) DCC Evil Reborn (lvl 4), DCC The Seventh Pit of Sezrekan (lvl 0, with notes on how to run an epic DCC Funnel), DCC The Hypercube of Myt (lvl 0) Rules For: Thief Tables, Funky Dice Tables, Xcrawl Athletes, Metamorphosis Alpha Devices and Mutations, Mythos Alphabet Tables . . . and more! | ![]() |
Goodman Games Gen Con 2016 Program Guide (Goodman Games Yearbook #4) | Illustrated Erol Otus interview, Retrospectives of Metamorphosis Alpha and The Judges Guild, Fiction from Howard Andrew Jones, Appendix N Inspiration, Archmage Abby, Trivia Contest, Roadworthy Interviews, Con Reports Adventures: DCC Not in Kansas Anymore (lvl 0), DCC Death by Nexus (lvl 0), DCC ‘spell duel’ tournament The Way of the Dagon Rules For: Metamorphosis Alpha random tables, Dungeon Alphabet tables, DCC Patron Nengal the Wild One, 1970s Earth Characters for DCC, Lankhmarian Dice Game, Ythothian Liche Kings, Unknown Gods . . . and more! | ![]() |
Goodman Games Gen Con 2017 Program Guide (Goodman Games Yearbook #5) | Real Life Adventures: GG’s 2017 Creative Retreat, World Tour and Con Recap Adventures: DCC The Return of Scravis (lvl 2), DCC The Thing That Should Not Be (lvl 3) DCC Sisters of the Moon Furnace (lvl 0) Rules For: Dinosaur Crawl Classics, Dungeon Alphabet tables, DCC Lovecraftian Monsters . . . and more! | ![]() |
The Goodman Games Gen Con 2018 Program Guide Presents: The Black Heart of Thakulon the Undying (Goodman Games Yearbook #6) | 2017 Open Tournament Recap, Building The Doom Gong! GG Joe File Cards, Con Recap and World Tour Adventures: DCC Gen Con 2017 Tournament Module The Black Heart of Thakulon the Undying (double-sized, includes pre-gens, player handouts, scorecards, and tournament rules), DCC The Misguided Menace of Georgetown (lvl 1) . . . and more! | ![]() |
The Goodman Games 2019 Yearbook Presents: Riders on the Phlogiston (Goodman Games Yearbook #7) | Goodman High Class of ’74 Yearbook!, Tournament Recap, Quest for the Wizard Van, Erol Otus: Painting the Froghemoth, Comics in D&D, Building the Obelisks, Appendix N Archaeology, Adventures in Fiction, World Tour and Con Recap Adventures: DCC Gen Con 2018 Tournament Module Riders on the Phlogiston (split into separate booklets, includes handouts, Judges and players’ packs) Rules For: New Class: Nunchaku Master, Customers as Creatures . . . and more! | ![]() |
Goodman Games Yearbook #8 | Illustrated Interview with Russ Nicholson, OAR Design Diaries for Barrier Peaks and The Lost City, GG embraces Twitch, The First DCC Day, Convention Photo Gallery, GG Joe File Cards Rules for: Monster fumble tables, Lankhmarian deeds, Dwarven Runic Wizards, Stokerian Vampires, Krull’s Glaive, Arcane healing, ‘Deadly Hands’ epic DCC NPCs . . . and more! | ![]() |
These annual compilations are in many ways at the heart of what we do. They are a labor of love, and as much about our amazing community of fans and dreamers as they are about our games. To all of the wonderful contributors, players, Judges, developers, designers, artists, and FANS, these yearly snapshots of your dedication and ingenuity are an absolute celebration of everything we love about gaming, and an integral part of the history of Goodman Games.