Event Submission for Dungeon Con Online Opens Tomorrow!

Dungeon Con Online is the online convention co-sponsored by Goodman Games and Dungeon Masters Guild that brings the excitement of the world’s first fantasy role-playing game to you over the course of four days!

And starting at noon tomorrow you get to begin submitting events!

For this convention, we have a freeform schedule. All times are available except for noon-1 pm EST and 6-7 pm EST each day, which we have reserved for visiting our Dealers Hall and Artists Alley in the citadel, so this should allow for more flexibility in scheduling. Find the Dungeon Con Online schedule for gaming here!

We will also have some rooms available in our Citadel for hosting your events, so if you would like to use our location for hosting, let us know when you submit the event.

And once again running events will count towards getting your badge! If you submit at least 2 events, you’ll be able to purchase a badge to the convention for $10 off, 3 events will get you $15 off, and 4 or more events will get your badge free. And if you run any events, you get to sign up for events early on April 25.

Join us on May 28-31 for a long weekend of games, seminars, streaming, and more! There will be D&D games for new players and experienced players.

Event registration begins tomorrow—April 3rd—at noon!

Author: pandabrett

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