DCC Tournament Standings: Day Two!

Final results from the first round of the DCC RPG Open Tournament! Congratulations to the top three teams advancing to Round 2 – Tootsie Pops, Blood Stallions, and Medival Kenivals:

  1. Tootsie Pops/1227 (Andy Brogan, Eric See, Tony Beard, Chris Foley, Mark Sutcliffe)
  2. Blood Stallions/928 (Mike Markey, Heath Perkins, Dana Johnson, Joe Moore, Silas Moore)
  3. Medival Kenivals/669 (Judd Lucky, Troy Wilhelmson, Wilson Barker, Jason Stierle, Emily Mundy)
  4. Clan Yoeman and Kids/649 (David Stanford, Noah Adams, Eli Buckley, Dan Adams, Tim Buckley)
  5. Nerd Louisville/101 (Justin Hogan, Westley Meredith, William Berry, John Lusky, Jackson King)
  6. Total Eclipse of the Black Heart/67 (Michael Ramps, Chris Nicholson, Brett Bolen, Jon Hammersley)
  7. The Cursed Die/-325 (John Watson, Jeanette Chipgus, Raymond Chipgus, Aaron Koelman, Jonathon Carnes)
  8. Fish in a Barrel/-525 (Tom Gintner, Jim Lanna, Tom Paci-Funk, Tyler McCalmon, Casey Garske)
  9. Sons of Dis/-650 (David Bush, Justin Bush, Ken Winland, Fred Daniel, Thomas Vanderlaar)

A total of 16 PCs died attempting the first level of the tomb of Thakulon! Thanks to all the players and judges who played and ran games – it was an amazing experience!

Round 2 starts at 9:00 am tomorrow (Saturday), with results announced in the afternoon.

Author: webmaster

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