Guided Tour of the Goodman Games Booth at Gen Con 50!

Goodman Games celebrates Gen Con 50 with its biggest booth ever! Besides the latest releases and usual gaming goodness, this year’s booth features several brand new additions, including:

Appendix N Books: Spinner racks with collectible copies of every single book from the famed Appendix N list by Gary Gygax.

Bazaar of the Bizarre: A great selection of rare past kickstarter items and stretch goals.

Pulp Reprints: Facsimile copies of classic ’30 and 40s pulps featuring the earliest work of Appendix N authors!

Artists’ Row: Original art and new art books from Doug Kovacs, Stefan Poag, Peter Mullen, and William McAusland.

Gamescience Dice Sets: Complete “funky dice” sets from Gamescience!

Check out the photo gallery below to see all of this and more.

Author: webmaster

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