
Welcome to the Known Realms of Áereth, a world of adventure, arcane secrets, and untold riches, where a sharp sword and a shirt of mail are a warrior’s only defense against wicked mages, monstrous hordes, and fierce dragons of yore.

A World of High Adventure

The world of Áereth is foremost one of legendary adventure. Noble knights ride to the ends of the earth questing against legendary dragons and wicked warlords. Mighty wizards wage eldritch battle atop high mountain peaks and in the halls of lonely towers. Cunning rogues creep along rooftops of smoky cities, stealing past lethal traps and demonic sentries. Devout priests fight for the common good, bringing freedom to enslaved masses. Fearless adventurers unearth forgotten tombs and plumb the depths of endless caverns, ride at the head of armies, and cast powerful spells that shape the very nature of reality.

The Known Realms are vast. Many of its locales are recorded in the Dungeon Crawl Classic series of adventure modules, but these are only the first, tentative steps into the world of Áereth.

Looking for a shadowy port to sell your ill-gotten loot? Wicked Punjar beckons. Craving high intrigue and backstabbing politics? The Council of Lords awaits your petition. Hungry for the wail of war horns and the crash of armies? The armies of Leherti cry out for your command. Want to carve out your own fief from the untracked wilderness? The wild borderlands call. Eager to sink your glowing blade into the gullet of a dragon and ransack its fabled trove? Look no further. All these adventures and more are contained herein.

Exploring Áereth

Although all Dungeon Crawl Classics modules are world-neutral, their default setting is Áereth. All locations described in DCC adventures can be found in Áereth. We avoid describing the world in too much detail within the modules, so as to keep them world-neutral, but the Dungeon Crawl Classics line includes gazetteers that explore the world in detail. The gazetteers can be found in the following products:


Navigating The Áereth World Map

This web site is your guide to locating which adventures are set in which parts of the Known Realms. Áereth is huge, and the map below can be explored by clicking and zooming. When you zoom in to view a specific map grid, you will see circled numbers which note the location of the numbered DCC modules.

Purchasers of DCC #35: Gazetteer of the Known Realms will have physical copies of the maps described here. The world map follows a simple convention. There are three separate maps, labeled Top Map (“TM”), Middle Map (“MM”), and “Lower Map” (“LM”). Each of the three maps has 15 squares, numbered as TM1, TM2, TM3, and so on. You can browse the world map by clicking anywhere within the graphic, or go to a numbered map grid by choosing its number from the table below.

Áereth World Map Coordinates
