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AEON: Ancient Greece Volume 5 – “The Lords of Olympus” is live on BackerKit!

Welcome to Mount Olympus, where the Gods dwell and play games with the lives of mortals for fun and amusement. 

AEON: Ancient Greece Volume 5 “The Lords of Olympus” brings to life the very Gods of Ancient Greece and  offers them to your table.

Here’s what you can find in this huge 68-page project:

  • The Gods’ Crit Table: In the off chance your players decide to challenge one of the many Gods found in Ancient Greece to battle, this table will deal massive amounts of pain and suffering to your upstart mortals. From slamming your PC’s to the ground, the instant shattering of bones, to curses and damage to their souls, the crit table of the Gods is full of flavor.
  • We all know the major Gods like Zeus, Apollo, and Aphrodite. But the Olympians are not the only divine powers in ancient Greece. The halls of Mount Olympus are filled with scores of lesser gods such as Asclepius, Iris, Hestia, and many more!  We’ve included them all – even the Titans for some epic clashes!
  • Get full stats and abilities for all of the major and minor Gods of Ancient Greece.
  • A BRAND NEW ADVENTURE! “The Challenge of the Charities” – The Charities, also known as the Graces, are goddesses of mirth, beauty, joy and festivity. Zeus has decided it is time for these gorgeous goddesses to get married. But only the worthiest of mortals will be considered.

    This adventure pits any PC willing to undergo one of the most difficult challenges of their lives. Most who try, fail and die. Will your PC’s survive and win the hand one of beautiful Charities? Truly one of the greatest treasures one could ever hope to get!
  • Awesome art by Simone Tammetta (Ziggurat of the Blood God), Diego Acevedo, Martina Pannozzo and Christopher Willett. Here’s a few of samples of the art you’ll find inside…

Author: alana

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