Hail the Champions of Our Gen Con 2023 Tournament!

Hat’s off to the winners!

It was a hard-fought struggle, with many powerful magicians vying for the top spot but, in the end, only one team emerged as the Arch-Daihaks of Dying Earth! While we announced the winners last week, we didn’t yet have a photo of Los Hermanos Jabronis to share with you — or their fantastic prizes: Magician Hats!

Los Hermanos Jabronis are:

  • Colin Murphree
  • Lucian Murphree 
  • Jordan Starks
  • Dan Bastin
  • Morgan Gonzalez

Congratulations! — as the sun slowly fades into a cold red death is the sky above, you have the consolation of knowing you’re at the top of the ziggurat!

The Winners Don the Hats of Victory!

The trophies this year are like no prize you’ve ever seen — custom made Magician Hats from Archaic Manifestation (the same artist behind our Chaos Lord masks!). These hats are the perfect accent to any Dying Earth magician’s outfit — and proclaim to the world one’s Arch-Daihak credentials!

Headgear has never looked so magical. Be sure to check out Archaic Manifestation’s Etsy Store for more amazing custom made apparel, and for all of our Gen Con coverage, visit our Gen Con 2023 headquarters.

Author: admin

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