Announcing the Artists Alley for Spawn of Cyclops Con

Not too long ago we told you about the Dealer’s Hall for Spawn of Cyclops Con, and to make it even more like a traditional con, we’re also adding an Artists Alley.

That’s right! You’ll be able to talk to and interact with several Goodman Games artists during the con. And we don’t mean just a seminar or two, but full-on interaction where you’ll be able to purchase original artwork, prints, and much more.

In the same way that allows for the Dealer’s Hall to be a reality, you’ll be able to chat and interact with your favorite artists like they were right there with you. Is it an ancient scroll we’ve unearthed? Has a raid of Area 51 has given us this ability? You’ll have to see it to believe it.

Here’s a list of the attending artists:

  • Chris Arneson
  • Cliff Kurowski
  • Doug Kovacs
  • William McAusland
  • Bradley K McDevitt
  • Peter Mullen
  • Stefan Poag

Of course, you’ll have to sign up for Spawn of Cyclops Con if you want to meet them and purchase some art. The con is just over a week away! We’ll see you at Spawn of Cyclops Con!

Author: pandabrett

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