An Interview With The Warehouse Yeti

An Interview With The Warehouse Yeti

By Brendan LaSalle

True Believers! Today we are going to take you inside of the heart of our operation the Goodman Games warehouse. This is, of course, the lair of the Yeti, AKA Keith LaBaw.

Here we see the Yeti in his natural element – the Command Center! We see that a few customers have sent orders through the Goodman Games website. The Yeti has them printed and ready to pack.

Charlie the Official Goodman Games Warehouse Dog and Goodwill Ambassador then take a moment to approve the orders.

Yeti now takes the orders down to the most wonderful place on earth – the storage room! If you stand in the center and inhale deeply, you can actually taste mayhem on your tongue.

Choosing an order at random, we see that Christopher Avery is going to pick up a few items. We see he’s picking up a few new Goodman Games items and some 3rd party goodness. You rock Christopher!

Fun Fact: the entire warehouse is organized around Yeti’s ability to casually reach items on an eight-foot shelf. 

Order is gathered and double-checked, with perhaps an extra moment allotted for appreciating some fine cover art.

And we are in luck! This order shall be packed in one of our nifty Goodman Tome mailers. Here we see the Yeti with the box in its larval state.

The box is folded. I had to take like ten pictures of this because Yeti does it so quickly they were all just a blur of super long arms and whirling cardboard.

Don’t forget the Gazette!

Praise be the Dark Master, this order is ready to ship!

Pack, Print, Repeat: the amount of orders Yeti can get through in a weekend is staggering. And once the orders are all put together, there is only one thing left to do . . .

. . . deliver the orders in Yeti’s post-apocalyptic death kart, fighting off death orms, bandits, rival game companies, and the Tucson chain demons.

Yeti’s Death Kart Skills: the reason death orms don’t eat your Goodman Games stuff.

That’s the life of a Goodman Games order. Goodman Games processes hundreds of web orders per week all thanks to Yeti. If you meet him, shake his hand and maybe buy him a cold beverage – he more than deserves if for the amazing work he puts in for you.

Author: jmcdevitt

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