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Umerican Road Atlas – Print + PDF


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A Gonzo Post-Apocalyptic Campaign Sourcebook with new classes, vehicle types & traits, road gang info, and an adventure!

Join us as we explore the glowing highways and byways of Umerica and those that ride upon them. Within these irradiated pages you will find:

  • Over a baker’s dozen of new Interesting Places to Die for you to inflict upon your players.
  • The amusing Roadside Attraction Generator, useful for creating truly terrifying tourist traps.
  • The helpful Random Roadtrip Encounters table, just in case you’re not sure exactly what is over the next hill.
  • Wild weather rules for brewing up an Umerican style storm to make your PC’s lives interesting.
  • A treatise on the most infamous gangs of the wastelands.
  • The Random Gang Generator, for all of your on-the-fly raider ambush needs.
  • Three new character classes: Holy Roller, Hunter, and Road Hawg.
  • A slew of new Mighty Deeds dedicated to modern weapons and vehicular mayhem.
  • A whole section dedicated to new vehicle types and traits.
  • And last but not least, Race for Death — a road rally adventure to die for.

This product is compatible with the Dungeon Crawl Classics Role-Playing Game. This is a supplement for The Umerican Survival Guide.

SOFS_LogoPublished by: Shield of Faith Studios

Written by: Bob Brinkman and Reid San Filippo
Art by: Aaron Robinson, David Coppoletti, Diogo Nogueira, Karim Gouyette, Matt Hildebrand, and Nate Marcel

Hardcover + PDF

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Weight 1.51875 lbs