Caverns of Thracia

The Coinswallower – PDF


The Stennard Courier Vol. 1 Zine - PDF

Precipice of Corruption - PDF

The Tome of Debasement Zine - PDF

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The famine around Stennard has resulted in many displaced visitors, looking for work. Many find their way to The Lost Traveler Common House. One peculiar guest at The Lost Traveler has drawn the attention of the desperate townsfolk of Stennard. Under their breath, he has been dubbed, the Coinswallower. Some believe he must be hiding wealth in his stomach. because he has been seen vomiting up coins on more than one occasion.

This a pamphlet-sized, DCC RPG compatible encounter set in the region around Stennard. It is meant to be played as a location, possible henchman, and side quest murder mystery. It is basic enough to be used in any setting, or it can be tied to The Stennard Courier Vol. 1 and The Precipice of Corruption. It does reference a cursed item detailed in The Tome of Debasement, but having the full details of this item are not necessary to get the full intrigue that this encounter offers.

The Coinswallower is suitable for levels 0-2.

Publisher: Breaker Press Games
Written by: Nick Baran
Art: Carlos Castilho, Jamie Jordan

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