Caverns of Thracia

Shade Hunter: A 2nd Level Adventure for Nowhere City Nights


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Nowhere City Nights

Outlive, Outsmart, Outkill!

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A 2nd-level adventure for DCC RPG.

In modern, sorcery-noir, “Nowhere City,” your adventurers investigate a crime spree by perpetrators who are identical to their victims!

Shade Hunter is a Blade Runner-inspired adventure that throws your 2nd-level Nowhere City Nights PCs into the investigation a spate of violent crimes with an odd twist: eyewitnesses swear that the perpetrators of the crimes could be the identical twins of their victims!

Someone, or something, is behind it all, but this is Nowhere City – so the list of possible suspects is endless. The city has so many corrupt politicians, greedy corporations and crooked cops that it’s rotted through. And operating in secret, behind it all, are the sorcerer cults that control the rest of the scum as if they were pawns on a chessboard. Do your PCs have the guns and the guts to get to the bottom of things? Secret truths about the world of Nowhere City Nights await adventurers with the grit to drag these secrets out of the shadows!

Shade Hunter is chock-full of 44 pages of pulp action! It contains a 30-page adventure, a new Private Detective class, new rules for Investigation Skills and a new Nowhere City Nights Patron. Shade Hunter was written by DCC veteran writer Steve Bean and co-published with storied DCC 3PP Publisher Order of the Quill press.


Published by: Order of the Quill

Written by: Steve Bean
Art Direction by: Steve Bean
Layout and Additional Art Direction by: Clint Bohaty

Nowhere City Nights campaign setting created by Julian Bernick


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Weight 0.35625 lbs