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Pax Lexque Campaign Guide – PDF


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Pax Lexque Campaign brings fantasy elements to a Roman Empire/early medieval environment, detailing twenty nations.

Pax Lexque is a campaign setting based on an alternate reality historical earth in which the Roman Empire was co-mingled with conventional elements of fantasy—elves, dwarves, wizards, clerics, giants, dragons and everything else you’d expect.

After a magical war tore the Roman Empire apart, the empire is now rebuilding, with its eyes on its eternal motto, “Pax Lexque” or “Peace and Law”. The emperor has formed a special forces arm of the imperial army to deal with unexplained problems left over from the magical war—cursed or haunted battlefields, horrific monsters summoned during the war, necromancers, and diabolists who still try to delve into forbidden knowledge.

This guide is meant as a sandbox environment. The world of the Great Sea region is presented with its history and geography broken down to twenty nations, ready for characters to explore. Nineteen new patrons particular to this world are described, six of which are presented in full detail, complete with patron spells. Also included are four new character classes: Dwarven Cleric, Elven Ranger, Felid (or catfolk), and Gnome.

Published by: Raorgen Games

Written by: Ed & Xuân Stanek
Art by: GAOZ Artworks
Additional contributors: Susan Stanek

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