Caverns of Thracia

Dungeon Crawl Classics Eastern Adventures – Print + PDF


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A DCC campaign supplement designed to provide Judges with resources and materials to run an Eastern-themed campaign.

Take a step forward, if you dare, and enter an exotic and wonderous world where celestial dragons are the messengers of the gods; where entire villages are held hostage by demon-possessed cats; where hungry ghosts, with unending appetites, lurk deep within forests… take a step forward and enter the world of Dungeon Crawl Classics Eastern Adventures.

Dungeon Crawl Classics Eastern Adventures is a campaign supplement designed to provide you, the DCC Judge, with the resources needed to run an Eastern-themed DCC campaign. Included in this campaign supplement are 100 unique zero-level occupations, three new demi-human classes (the Kitsune, the Koropokuru, and the Tengu), new weapons and armor, Eastern deities, two new Supernatural Patrons and their related patron spells, new monsters, and an Eastern Adventures zero-level adventure (The Unlikely Origins Story).

Published by: Tasaka Games

Written by: Mark Tasaka
Art by: Mark Tasaka

softcover + PDF format

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Weight .3 lbs