Caverns of Thracia

True Vigilante – PDF


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Play as a masked vigilante in a modern setting and punch criminals in the teeth—one adventure at a time! 

You’re no hero. 

You’re a vigilante: a crimefighter, a dark avenger, a gadgeteer, a martial artist, a protégé, a true vigilante. You seek blood and justice, winning it with fists and violence. Brutalizing the criminals, lowlifes, and scum of the underworld. Protecting the weak, breaking the vultures that prey upon them. There is vengeance to be had and syndicates bled, and you will not stop until your justice has been served….

Publisher: Gunzo! by Bloat Games

Written by: Eric Bloat
Art by: Runehammer, JEShields, Jacob Blackmon, Bradley K. McDevitt, and Rick Hershey
Additional Contributors:
Josh Palmer (Additional Writing) and David A. Hill (Editing)

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