Matt John Prepares For the Day of Might

The Skull’s friends and acquaintances are preparing for the Day of Might—happening tomorrow, Sunday, October 23rd!

As we teeter on the eve of the mightiest day in storytelling, tomorrow’s Day of Might, we catch up with Matt John during a recuperative soak following a hard spell of reaving. Fans of sword-and-sorcery know Matt best from the Rogues in the House podcast, which has just unleased an anthology of hard-fighting fiction upon the world, A Book of Blades.

Matt’s special guest, up-and-coming author of Conan Blood Spear!, offers irrefutable proof as to why Conan is the mightiest hero of sword-and-sorcery ever — a point which Matt’s other special guest, the voice of Arnold Schwarzenegger, wholeheartedly concurs!

The Skull invites you to prepare YOUR video and share your sword & sorcery recommendations with your friends—and even honored enemies—on social media! Send us the links! We want to see them and know what you have done to honor The Skull and The Day of Might! Perhaps we will share them with all of The Skull’s loyal minions.

Now, let’s look at Matt’s video!

Author: admin

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