Caverns of Thracia

Xcrawl: Emperor’s Cup (3E) – PDF


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For Honor.

For Glory.

For Money.

For lots and lots of money…

There is only one championship in the world of Xcrawl: The Emperor’s Cup. To win it is to become an instant champion and the idol of millions.

But winning isn’t easy. In fact, surviving isn’t easy. Your team has fought its way to the top of the ranks, and made a name for itself, but this is the final goal. The ultimate challenge.

Are you up to the task?

Do you have game?

Remember, this isn’t some local crawl. This isn’t even one of the big crawls on tour. This is The Final Crawl. The biggest crawl.

And if you die…you may never forgive yourself.


Rules Set: d20 v3.5.


  • Nominee, Best Adventure, 2004 Gen Con ENnie Awards

Published in cooperation with Pandahead Publishing.