Caverns of Thracia

The Siege of Bonemoore Keep


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0-level funnel adventure

The Thrallmaster’s hordes come… are you ready for the Siege of Bonemoore?

The call to arms does not always come to warriors, and fate has found your humble party in Bonemoore Keep when the ghastly armies of the Thrallmaster attack. Faced with demonic fury without and mysterious sorcery within the Keep, will you survive to carry the day and start a career in intrepid Dungeon Crawling?

The Siege of Bonemoore Keep is a new 0-level funnel for the Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG game system written by Mihailo Tesic and published by Purple Duck Games. In this 3-part challenging adventure, the situation is desperate, and the players must do what they can to repulse an oncoming threat of fanatical enemies, without much in the way of resources or training. As the harrowing story continues, they must enter the inner Keep and seek the Lord Farwall, whose dire inheritance can save the castle- and the world!

Battlefields, dungeons, puzzles, and sinister laboratories await those who survive – The Siege of Bonemoore Keep!

published by: Purple Duck Gamespurple-duck-logo

written by: Mihailo Tešić
art by: Kristen M. Collins, Gary Dupuis, Brett Neufeld, Matt Hyzer, Matt Morrow
