Caverns of Thracia

Jungle Incursion Into The Lair of The Batmen – Print + PDF


Venture into a verdant jungle nestled amidst arid desert. Does the jungle and facility within hold deadly secrets?

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This is an adventure Mutant Crawl Classics for levels 4-6.

The jungle around an ancient facility has been growing. Sentients have gone missing. Desiccated corpses of animals have been found in the area. Venture into the jungle lair of the batmen and face malevolent mutations, meet new Patron AI, and find some bad @$$ stuff…if you survive.


publisher: Silver Bulette

author: Ian McGarty
art: Dan Smith, Michael Greer, JE Shields, Timothy Burns, Ian McGarty
additional contributors: Jayson “Rocky” Gardner

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Weight .25 lbs