Dark Tower

Dungeon Crawl Classics #87.5: Grimtooth’s Museum of Death – PDF



A Level 1 Adventure

Not a dream! Not a hoax! Not an imaginary tale! It’s the crossover you’ve always wanted: the legendary Grimtooth the Troll meets Dungeon Crawl Classics! This adventure module is written under DCC RPG rules and is officially licensed by Flying Buffalo, Inc. to include the Grimtooth character.

After three decades of preparation, the evil troll Grimtooth has finally thrown wide the gates of his abode to all comers. The troll has sent ravens far and wide inviting delvers to share in the vast wealth of his treasure room. Of course, there is a catch. The adventurers must wend their way through a maze of traps in Grimtooth’s Museum of Death, a curated collection of the deadliest and most devious traps ever assembled in one place. Along the way, they might even cross paths with a few of Grimtooth’s allies: Grimtina, Spike the Grimdog, and Sludgeworth. Tread lightly, delver. There are no refunds for this tour.


Check out a preview of DCC #87.5: Grimtooth’s Museum of Death


  • DCC Trove of Treasures: “If Grimtooth, the Troll of Trolls, is synonymous with the killer dungeon, then Grimtooth’s Museum of Death lives up to all expectations.”
  • Power Score: “What’s great about it is that it is a fantastic resource.”

Rules Set: DCC RPG

Writer: Jobe Bittman with Steve Crompton
Cover Art: Doug Kovacs

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