Caverns of Thracia

Crawl! Fanzine No. 3 – Print + PDF


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Crawl! Fanzine No. 5 – Print + PDF

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The 3rd issue of Crawl! features:

A Simple Spell System for NPCs!

  • The Magic Wand spell by RavenCrowking!
  • A Magical Kobold by Sean Ellis!
  • Anti-Magic Items by Jon Wilson!
  • Expanded Familiar entries by Colin Chapman!
  • The long-awaited Patron Spells of Van den Danderclanden by Brett Miller!

straycouchespresss140x200Published byStraycouches Press

Written by: Rev Dak J. Ultimak, Sean Ellis, Brett Miller, Daniel J Bishop, Jon Wilson, Colin Chapman
Art by: Lauren Simpson, Stu Rase, Brett Miller, Daniel J Bishop, Count Spatula
Edited by: Brad Littman, Stephanie Lasker, Stevo

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Weight 0.0875 lbs