Caverns of Thracia

Where Shadows Fall – PDF


Creatures of Shadow – PDF

Shadow Factions – PDF

A Knight in Shadow (Where Shadows Fall) – PDF

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There is a shadow over our world that hides the truth: Humans are not alone.

WHERE SHADOWS FALL is a modern fantasy horror game built upon the core rules of Dungeon Crawl Classics.

A supernatural effect known as the Shadow prevents mundane humans from perceiving the existence of magic and magical creatures, yet they move among us and are as real as you and me. Gobbos, Ogres, and Sidhe move within human society, their true nature masked by the Shadow.
Factions and secret societies take advantage of the Shadow, manipulating the mortal world according to their own agendas.
Eldrich horrors and other strange beings hide just outside of humanity’s notice.

Enter this world of magic and horror that hides in plain sight and explore, WHERE SHADOWS FALL.

WHERE SHADOWS FALL can be played as a stand alone game, or combined with other DCC-compatible games set in a modern world to create an entirely new experience. Many of these games exist as zines and are available in the Goodman Games Online Store.


Publisher: Father Goose Creations

Writer: Jeremy “Father Goose” Shuman Jr
Art by: Free Art Resources from

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