Caverns of Thracia

The Spattered Patina of the Barbarous Blades – Print + PDF


A DCC Compatible WF adventure for levels 3-5.

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A DCC Compatible WF adventure for levels 3-5.

This adventure is for 4-8 characters of levels 3-5. It pits the characters against Colonel John Chivington’s Barbarous Blades as they cut a swath of savage butchery across the land seeking the ley line crossing and prison door of Zithrax the Butcher. This prison door is located in the silver mine that has brought a boom to Silverton. The characters must choose how to defend the town, how to delay an army of undead soldiers led by officers with demonic powers, how to save the town of Silverton from massacre, and prevent Zithrax from escaping .

publisher: Silver Bulette

written by: Ian McGarty
art by: JeShields, Wonkee Art, Thuan Pham, Jason Brauncowski; cartography Ian McGarty
additional contributors: layout/author Jayson “Rocky” Gardner

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Weight .3 lbs