Caverns of Thracia

The Priesthood of Pelagia – PDF


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The viol’s melody filled the air with an inexpressible sweetness and longing, the final notes lingering after the musician’s hand became still. Finnigan the bard appreciated the few seconds of silence before the audience in the Black Lobster broke into thunderous applause. Taking his bow, the bard sat down with a satisfied smile.

“Aye, she may seem serene from afar, lad,” said a gruff voice at his elbow. Finnegan turned his head. The old sea-dog paused to wipe some foam from his grizzled beard before continuing. “Mark my words, she’s as capricious as the sea herself. The Mistress of Storms, she is, you’d do well to remember it.” Finnigan stared. The old man dropped his voice to a throaty whisper. “And then there’s the lunacy, in’t there? Don’t you forget the moon what controls the tides is the same what drives men mad.”

This rules supplement for clerics of Pelagia includes weapons and armour, three new spells, and tables for disapproval and languages. The Judge’s section includes details of the cult of Pelagia who survived the Ruean catastrophe, six artefacts and magical items and a detailed list of inspirational sources. (16 pages).


publisher: Strange Quark

written by: Michael C. Davis
art by: Iulia Shkliar

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