Caverns of Thracia

The Desk in Room 8-10 – Print + PDF


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A 1st-Level Adventure for MCC RPG

A Seeker has returned to the village excitedly describing an Ancient structure her team discovered. She waited while they entered, yet they never returned. You’ve been sent to investigate the disappearance as well as the unexplained growth of surrounding flora and fauna. Also, is the Seeker…shorter?

In the world of Terra AD, no one has ever before encountered the wonders and dangers of the environment the players will soon find themselves in – that of the near-microscopic world! It will take creative problem-solving to make use of sparse resources and Ancient castoffs, as well as fortitude and determination to overcome creatures never before seen in the post-apocalyptic future. Includes a new patron AI: MICRON, the master of miniaturization!

The Desk In Room 8-10 is a 1st-level adventure for four to six Seekers. This product is compatible with the Mutant Crawl Classics Role-Playing Game.

Publisher: The Savage AfterWorld

Writer: Tim Snider
Art by: Aaron Siddall

Print + PDF format

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Weight 0.3 lbs