Caverns of Thracia

Stennard Character Creation Guide – Print + PDF


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The Stennard Courier Vol. 1 Zine – Print + PDF

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The Stennard Character Creation Guide is a tool for getting your players up and running as quickly as possible with brand new 0-level characters. Designed for use with DCC RPG, this free document can be printed and handed out to your players, removing the need to pass around a book. This mini zine is perfect for both your home group and convention games.

– Full step by step rules for creating 0-level characters in your DCC games.

– Unique tables for Birth Auger, Occupation, Farmer Trade Goods, Mercenary Weapons, Dog Type (Occupation), Canine Size, Canine Traits, Additional Equipment, Character Name, and Canine Character Name.

– Special rules to reflect the harsh conditions of life in Stennard, such as potentially beginning in debt, or having not eaten in days.

– A 7-point introduction titled, Life in Stennard, to set the tone upfront for your players.

– A 9-point outro titled, Live Fully and Die Gloriously, to reinforce tone and help set expectations for your players as they go into adventuring in a low-fantasy, grimdark horror adaption of DCC RPG.

Published by: Breaker Press Games

Written by: Nick Baran
Art by: Rich “Nerdgore” Sampson, Carlos Castilho

Print + PDF

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Weight 0.2 lbs