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Mutant Mayhem Minis: MoreMen 3D-Printable Miniature


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Mutant Mayhem Minis: MoreMen, 3D-Printable Miniature STL File


A mutant humanoid miniature for 28mm games.

Pre-supported and unsupported files included. Also includes a simple printable figure base.

Moremen are large (7-8’ tall) strong, thuggish, four-armed two-headed exclusively male mutants . They are a special type of mutant that mostly breeds true and have their own separate Moremen culture. Moremen are only male, and any male child of a union with a Moremen will be a Moremen. Moremen kidnap and enslave female pure-strain humans (PSH) and mutants. Treating them like chattel. Moremen are notorious cannibals, and will happily eat other sentient beings, often keeping them in cages until they need fresh meat.

I sculpted the More Men for use in our Gen Con/Origins Mutant Crawl Classics adventure scenario ‘Maximum Uberdrive’, and they are also featured in the 2020 Gongfarmer’s Almanac with an article “More-Men: the mutants with More” and an adventure “More-Men, More Problems”.

Dark-Platypus Studios ( publishes the Mutant Mayhem Minis line of models, which are officially licensed for use with Mutant Crawl Classics, published by Goodman Games. Mutant Crawl Classics and MCC RPG are trademarks of Goodman Games. All rights reserved. For additional information, visit or contact

All Dark-Platypus Studios models are sculpted by sculptor Andrew K. Barlow and no AI is ever involved. All models have been checked for errors and test-printed.

published by: Dark Platypus Studio: Mutant Mayhem Minis

sculpted by: Andrew Barlow

photographs and painting by: Andrew Barlow

Digital STL File (for 3D printers)