Caverns of Thracia

Mutant Mayhem Minis: C’Roachlings Mob 3D-Printable Miniatures


Mutant Mayhem Minis: Bam-Bee 3D-Printable Miniature

Mutant Mayhem Minis: C'Roachlings: C'Roach Commander 3D-Printable Miniature

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Mutant Mayhem Minis: C’Roachling Mob, 3D-Printable Miniature STL Files

C’Roachling Mob

5 different mutant cockroach demon/manimal miniatures for 28mm games.

Pre-supported and unsupported files included. Also includes simple printable figure bases.

They say that only cockroaches would survive a nuclear apocalypse. In the world of Terra AD, that wasn’t true….but the cockroaches are still trying to MAKE it true! These filthy little humanoids are now the physical embodiment of ‘Trailer Trash’, and rather than try to make their own situation better, they just want to make everyone else’s worse!

This collection contains all of the Dark-Platypus C’Roachling models, including Croachling “Earl”, Croachling “Joy”, Croachling “Randy”, Croachling ‘Rugrats” and the “C’Roach Commander”. By printing multiples of these pieces and mixing up the color schemes a bit, you can create an entire C’Roachling Mob!

I sculpted these C’Roachlings as a Stretch Goals for the original Mutant Mayhem Minis kickstarter, but the goals were sadly not reached. I did produce a master mold, and a few metal sets have made their way out into the world, but they are now available for 3D Printing!

Dark-Platypus Studios ( publishes the Mutant Mayhem Minis line of models, which are officially licensed for use with Mutant Crawl Classics, published by Goodman Games. Mutant Crawl Classics and MCC RPG are trademarks of Goodman Games. All rights reserved. For additional information, visit or contact

All Dark-Platypus Studios models are sculpted by sculptor Andrew K. Barlow and no AI is ever involved. All models have been checked for errors and test-printed.

published by: Dark Platypus Studio: Mutant Mayhem Minis

sculpted by: Andrew Barlow

photographs and painting by: Andrew Barlow

Digital STL File (for 3D printers)