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Mutant Mayhem Minis: Bunny-Shark (pose 1) 3D-Printable Miniature


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Mutant Mayhem Minis: Bunny-Shark, 3D-Printable Miniature STL File

Bunny-Shark, Pose 1 of 3

A mutant grasslands predator miniature for 28mm games.

Pre-supported and unsupported files included. Also includes simple printable figure bases.

Many of the strange monstrosities roaming the post-apocalypse landscape contain clear examples of blended or crossed DNA from multiple animal sources. It is not known if this is due to some fluke of the strange radiations permeating the world, or if it was done intentionally by some Ancient lunatic playing with a home gene-splicing kit.

However they came to be, the Bunny Sharks are a particularly effective example of blended DNA. Pack hunters (a large group of them is known as a ‘Feeding Fluffle’), they frequent areas of lightly wooded or open terrain. Their absolute favorite stalking grounds is areas covered in ‘raptor grass’ (tall grass that hides predators so you only see bits of moving grass and then see the taller victims scream and get pulled down into the grass. It was originally cultivated on Isla Sorna where it provided great cover for the velociraptors in Jurassic Park 2. It almost immediately cross-pollinated into the Mummy 2, and now can be found almost anywhere). Bunny Sharks are lightning fast, can turn on a dime, are great leapers, and have a ferocious bite attack.

This listing contains one pose of Bunny Shark, out of 3 available poses. It is presented in 3 different sizes, designed to fit on Medium (1”), Small (3/4”) and Tiny (1/2”) bases.

The Bunny-sharks were originally sculpted for our own home games, but an official write-up and stats are coming soon to a Mutant Crawl Classics rules supplement!

Dark-Platypus Studios publishes the Mutant Mayhem Minis line of models, which are officially licensed for use with Mutant Crawl Classics, published by Goodman Games. Mutant Crawl Classics and MCC RPG are trademarks of Goodman Games. All rights reserved. For additional information, visit or contact

All Dark-Platypus Studios models are sculpted by sculptor Andrew K. Barlow and no AI is ever involved. All models have been checked for errors and test-printed.

Tags: (20 Max)

tabletop, rpg, mini, 28mm, pre-supported, miniature, D&D, MCC, DCC, Gamma World, Mutant Crawl, mutant, post-apocalypse, monster, bunny, rabbit, hare, shark, swarm, cute

published by: Dark Platypus Studio: Mutant Mayhem Minis

sculpted by: Andrew Barlow

photographs and painting by: Andrew Barlow

Digital STL File (for 3D printers)