Caverns of Thracia

Mutant Crawl Classics #2: A Fallen Star For All – Module for Fantasy Grounds


Mutant Crawl Classics Role Playing Game - Ruleset for Fantasy Grounds

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SKU: GGGMG6212 Categories: ,


A level 1 adventure for Mutant Crawl Classics RPG!

A meteor strike in the taboo crater country opens up a huge chasm in which lies a largely intact city of the Ancient Ones. The resulting land rush to go claim the newly available cache of ancient artifacts draws interested parties from all over Terra A.D., and at the direction of your tribal elders, which includes you and your Seeker team.

Designed for Fantasy Grounds version 4.1.8 and higher.


Check out a preview of MCC #2: A Fallen Star for All


Rules Set: MCC RPG

Writer: Tim Callahan
Cover art: Doug Kovacs

Converted by: Scott Yanoska

Requires: An active subscription or a one-time purchase of a Fantasy Grounds Unity license and a one-time purchase of the Mutant Crawl Classics ruleset.