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Killian’s Krawls: DS-01: The Stone Speaker – An Adventure in The Desolation – PDF


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Killian’s Krawls: DS-01 The Stone Speaker – An Adventure for 1st Level Characters in The Desolation setting.

Life for the refugees of The Desolation is now safe, but hardly peaceful. At the heart of this tension are rumors of an ancient dwarven city of riches that may have been uncovered by the landslides on the Day of Destruction. The dwarves in the refugee camp desperately want to find the location of this city but lack the knowledge. One dwarf, an eccentric person who considers himself a prophet, has galvanized the clan leaders to demand your party find a dwarven temple said to be the home of a prophet who has the power to speak with “The Foundation itself”. Can dwarves speak to stones? Is the ancient city real? The survival of the refugee camp may depend on it.

Contains 9 encounters, 4 new creatures, one new magical item, and Judge’s tools to assist with managing the adventure.

Maps via Campaign Cartographer 3 (c) 1997-2006 by Pro Fantasy Software Ltd. and Charles Reeder (c) 2023.

Listen to a podcast interview with Stu Killian to learn more about Killian’s Krawls!


Published by: FSH Professional Ltd

Written by: Stuart C. Killian
Art by: Charles Reeder