Caverns of Thracia

Hell Train (Weird Frontiers Adventure) – PDF


DCC compatible 1st level adventure for Weird Frontiers

The Skin-Walker: A Weird Frontiers Class - PDF

Weird Frontiers RPG - PDF

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Hell Train is a 1st-level DCC (Dungeon Crawl Classics) compatible Weird Frontiers RPG adventure.

Jefferson, Texas is just another railroad town. The Seven Days of Night fell here like everywhere else on the frontier, although the townsfolk of Jefferson were more fortunate than others. Life just went on pretty much as normal.

Until now.

Folks in Jefferson have started dyin’. The problem is, they ain’t stayin’ dead.

Hell Train is a 1st-level DCC (Dungeon Crawl Classics) compatible Weird Frontiers RPG adventure. Hell Train takes the posse to East Texas where they find a town with a dark past and the dead are restless. This locomotive in the Near no longer transports souls to their final rest. Your posse must board the train to get things back on track. However, the passengers on this train aren’t human, and the destination is the very heart of madness. 

published by: Rugby-Melee Games

written by: John Watson
cover art: Sgt. Dave
additional credits: Colin Darby (editor)