Caverns of Thracia

Fell Folk of the Moors — PDF


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Strange dwarves are waylaying travelers in the woods near your home. Can you discover their secrets and protect your village?

Cruel attacks by strange dwarves in the Ilorin wood have disturbed the peace of Withgan village. Many fearful and angry people blame their dwarven neighbors, who profess innocence but proudly prepare to defend themselves. The faithful few of Withgan explore the perilous forest, uncover its mysteries, and restore security and trust to their home. These brave adventurers are up against more than ordinary bandits, but rather an ancient and fearsome people. Fantastical creatures, powerful magic, and fabulous treasures await discovery, as well as gruesome death for the unlucky and unwary.

The Fell Folk of the Moors is a level 0 adventure for 16-24 characters. 

Published by: Astellan Press

Written by: Andrew Sternick
Art by: Eric Johnson
Additional Contributors: Vasili Kaliman, Ngo-Vinh Hoi, Glynn Seal, and Noah Green

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