Caverns of Thracia

Escape from the Shrouded Fen – PDF


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What happens when a demon dies? Oozing, scalding, deathblood floods the land, cursing it forevermore!

Can you solve the riddles of the swamp and escape from the Shrouded Fen?

A 112-page digest-sized DCC adventure from Terry Olson that contains:

  • A 0-level funnel leading into a deadly 1st-level sandbox adventure
  • Incredible artwork from Benjamin Marra, and maps from Dyson Logos!
  • A host of random encounters and events to keep things interesting!
  • Notes to run the funnel and first-level sections as stand-alone adventures

An additional 61 page letter-sized PDF appendix (available on the Purple Sorcerer website) featuring:

  • Full-sized handouts
  • Author’s notes
  • All the stat blocks from the adventure for easy reference
  • A complete patron write-up with spell sheets
  • All the tables from the adventure to use as judge’s screen inserts
  • The usual horde of Purple Sorcerer paper miniatures
  • All the maps from the adventure, both keyed and unkeyed
  • Every image from the adventure, many in both color and black-and-white

Adventure in the deadly fen awaits!

Check out the Community Publisher Profile on Purple Sorcerer Games!

Published by: Purple Sorcerer Games

Written by: Terry Olson
Art by: Benjamin Marr, Dyson Logos, and Jon Marr