Caverns of Thracia

Dungeon Grand Prix : Hell-Climb – Print + PDF


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Dungeon Grand Prix – Print + PDF

Dungeon Grand Prix : Dagon in 60 Seconds – Print + PDF

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Hell-Climb is a new tale of corporate espionage, a town, and a point crawl, set in the world of Dungeon Grand Prix! AND THERE ARE DIRTBIKES EVERYWHERE!

Remember it’s not a race, IT’S AN ADVENTURE! and everything that CAN be in a kart, IS in a Kart! (Actually now it’s in DirtBikes)

On the edge of the emerald woods, at the base of Deadman’s Peak, is the ancient logging town, on the edge of hell, aptly named Hell-Climb. Once a vibrant supplier of lumber for the kingdoms, it now lies in ruin. 

Enter Valvus, the new mayor, who’s decided to turn the wreckage into an off-road course for the Dungeon Grand Prix, under the tutelage of the Incinerator Triplets, inadvertently promising Dirt Bikes in the process. The course is months behind schedule, and the Circuit Council of 8 has sent the PCs  to determine what is going on and get construction back on course. Rumors circle of winged demons devouring riders and construction workers. 

No one knows what’s really going on here, but I just want mad air, bro.

To make things worse, EYE-RBBR has set its monolithic eye on the town of Hell-Climb, and plans to raze it to the ground, melting all souls into rubber. 

Inside you may:

  • Find yourself indebted to a member of the circuit council— they have requirements you know 
  • Spend time in the town Hell-Climb as it’s torn apart by threats natural and supernatural
  • Explore the Unfinished Dirt Bike track— finding out what’s really slowing it down
  • Meet the Gargoyles that just want “Mad air bro” and their leader, Intercooler X
  • Pop a wheelie on a Dirtbike with the new dirt bikes and the new Tricks on ground and in the air
  • Learn how to fight USING a dirt bike as a blunt object.


publisher: Orbital Intelligence

written by: Sean Richer
art by: Jonathan LaMantia
additional credits: Jarrett Crader, Dai Shugars

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