Caverns of Thracia

Cast Tower of the Blood Moon Rises!


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“Beware the power of Ruzzick–Tol,

Conqueror of Nature and Death.

Time defeated rewinds the soul,

Renewing one last breath.”

Terror pillages the minds of those rooted within Hallowstone Valley;  their Thane’s daughter lost and their families tormented by the arrival of a murderous beast!  Before the villagers can be unbound from fear, adventurers brave enough to lend hand will find themselves plunging down a mysterious spiral of betrayal, half–truths, blood magic, and death — eventually gaining possession of an extraordinary artifact of an immortal but perilous nature.  What happened to Torene?  Who was Harfin Hazelnook?  And what has spawned the beast which now preys on the weak of Thanesmire?  The answers await only those courageous enough to seek them out!


  • A full, 68 page adventure with geographical history, deadly items, and interesting NPCs!
  • Approximately 8 hours of challenging session play!
  • Beautiful illustrations throughout by artist Jay Rasgorshek!
  • An interactive player handout that will have your DCC RPG group continuing to explore Hallowstone Valley long after the adventure is complete!

Order-of-the-Quill-logoPublished by: Order of the Quill

Written by: Clint Bohaty
Art by: Jay Rasgorshek
Additional contributors: Julian Bernick

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Weight 0.29375 lbs